


On the 15th of April the alpha version of  Mperience will be finally up and running!
If you are into art, literature, cinema, music, Mperience is the place for you.
We’re pretty sure you’ll be amazed once you discover and explore new perspectives on art. Enjoy our creative connections, our art extravaganzas, our flights of fancy, our probable and improbable interrelations.


Feel free to become yourself an “artist” and forge new analogies and correspondences, we’re looking forward to reading and spreading your creations. The capacity to produce any work of art can be well hidden inside of you… did you know that the side of the brain that creates art is the same side that enjoys it? Our “beautiful minds” are equipped to create and feel the need to do it, because art is the nourishment of our spirit.

Read and comment our blog Animistic Orgy, find there music, art and literature reviews as well as our opinions concerning anything we find appealing in the field of arts.
Could you figure out a connection among Cormac McCarthy, Raymond Carver and the renaissance painter El Greco?
Can you see any interrelation among a preraphaelite painting of poet Thomas Chatterton, the singer Nick Drake and the leader of Nirvana Kurt Cobain?

Stay tuned to receive the latest news about Mperience and feel free to write us to the address feedback@mperience.com to ask us anything that comes to your mind.



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