

Complete the story with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Bruce _____ (turn) silently and ______ (begin) to walk
back to the house. He ______ (keep) close to the wall,
hoping that they wouldn’t see him. When he _______
(reach) the end of the wall, he _____ (start) to run
back across the garden – when suddenly his foot ________
(hit) a stone.
Bruce _____________ (fall) to the ground but
____________ (not drop) the book. He __________ (lie)
there for a few seconds and __________ (look) back
towards the wood. Then he _________ (get) to his feet
and _________ (set) off again through the darkness. He
had to warn Lucy. Out of breath, Bruce finally _________
(arrive) at the house. He _______ (push) the huge wooden
door and it __________(swing) open with a loud creak.
Bruce __________ (know) that Lucy would be in the
kitchen and headed along the hallway. Suddenly he
_________- (hear) a noise behind him. He _________
(spin) round and then ______ (stand) completely frozen
by wh at he ________ (see).

2. Comprehension:

1) When did Bruce start to run?
a. From the very right moment.
b. When he reached the back of the house.
c. When he was at the end of the wall at the back of the house.

2) Why did Bruce fall over?
a. Because he hurted a wall.
b. Because he hit a stone.
c. Because someone pushed him.

3) What was he carrying?
a. A box
b. A bunch of flower
c. A book

4) Where was Lucy?
a. Inside the house.
b. In the wood.
c. She is still at school.

5) Why did George spin round?
a. Because someone was calling him.
b. Because he heard a noise.
c. Because he heard a loud cry.

3. Choose the right preposition:

1. She APOLOGIZED from/to/for the mess.
2. Lots of people are SCARED of/to/at mice.
3. My parents WORRY for/on/about me if I come home late.
4. We need to make some CHANGES with/to/on the design.
5. There will be an investigation about/into/over the accident.
6. It DEPENDS of/on/from how much it’s going to cost.
7. They finally SUCCEEDED in/for/to getting the truck started.
8. I wrote to the manager to COMPLAIN for/about/on the service.

4. Choose the correct words’ form: 

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of
the word in CAPITALS.

1. The art gallery is one of the city’s main visitor
_________. ATTRACT
2. Being a teacher can be a very _____ job at times. STRESS
3. We may never know the ______ about what happened. TRUE
4. She has to deal with a lot of _______ clients. FOREIGN
5. All the major ________ parties support the idea. POLITICS
6. People don’t like the _______ of taking bottles back
for recycling. INCONVENIENT
7. In the summer he works as a ____ guide. TOURIST
8. There’s been enormous _________ in the area of e-commerce.
9. We hope to improve access for ______ people. DISABLE
10. I don’t think the store is ______ until 9 o’clock. OPEN


HE TURNS ME ON significa “sono attratto/a da lui.”
Letteralmente significa: “lui mi accende!”


Bruce TURNED silently and BEGAN to walk back to the
house. He KEPT close to the wall, hoping that they
wouldn’t see him. When he REACHED the end of the wall,
he STARTED to run back across the garden – when suddenly
his foot HIT a stone.
Bruce FELL to the ground but DIDN’T DROP the book. He
LAY there for a few seconds and LOOKED back towards the
wood. Then he GOT (get) to his feet and SET off again
through the darkness. He had to warn Lucy. Out of
breath, Bruce finally ARRIVED at the house. He PUSHED
the huge wooden door and it SWUNG open with a loud
creak. Bruce KNEW that Lucy would be in the kitchen and
headed along the hallway. Suddenly he HEARD a noise
behind him. He SPUN round and then STOOD completely
frozen by what he SAW.

2. Comprehension:






3. Choose the right preposition:

1. She APOLOGIZED for the mess.
2. Lots of people are SCARED of mice.
3. My parents WORRY about me if I come home late.
4. We need to make some CHANGES to the design.
5. There will be an investigation into the accident.
6. It DEPENDS on how much it’s going to cost.
7. They finally SUCCEEDED in getting the truck started.
8. I wrote to the manager to COMPLAIN about the service.

4. Choose the correct words’ form:

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of
the word in CAPITALS.

1. The art gallery is one of the city’s main visitor ATTRACTION.
2. Being a teacher can be a very STRESSFUL job at times.
3. We may never know the TRUTH about what happened.
4. She has to deal with a lot of FOREIGN clients.
5. All the major POLITICAL parties support the idea.
6. People don’t like the INCONVENIENCE of taking bottles
back for recycling.
7. In the summer he works as a TOURIST guide.
8. There’s been enormous GROWTH in the area of e-commerce.
9. We hope to improve access for DISABLED people.
10. I don’t think the store is OPEN until 9 o’clock.

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