
Yogurt, Potato Chips, and Fresh Fruit Among Top Growing Snack Foods for Kids, 2-17

Kids, ages 2-17, ate more yogurt (refrigerated) as a snack-oriented food in 2009 than they did in 2008, but fresh fruit remained the top snack food consumed by this age group, according to The NPD Group, a market research company. According to NPD’s food and beverage market research, potato chips, fresh fruit, string cheese and prepackaged cheese cubes or shapes, and hard candy also experienced growth in 2009 versus 2008 as snack foods eaten between, with, or instead of meals.

NPD’s SnackTrack®, which continually monitors the consumption of snack foods  both in-home and away, reports that also among the top growing snacks in 2009 over the previous year were ice/fudge or cream pops, chewy candy, corn chips, donuts, and snack pies and pastries.



Top Ten Growing Snack-Oriented Foods
Among Kids 2-17
Eaten at all occasions: Meals and Snacks
Point Change in Annual Eatings Per Capita
2009 vs 2008
1 Yogurt (refrigerated)
2 Potato Chips
3 Fresh Fruit
4 String Cheese/Prepackaged Cheese Cubes/Shapes
5 Hard Candy
6 Ice/Fudge/Cream Pops
7 Chewy Candy
8 Corn Chips
9 Donuts
10 Snack Pies/Pastries

Source: The NPD Group/SnackTrack®

SnackTrack defines snack foods as a group of foods generally perceived to be snack foods, like candy, chips, fruit, regardless of when consumed. Sixty percent of snacks are consumed at snack occasions, before, between, and after meals or throughout the day, and the remaining snacks are eaten with or instead of main meals. One out of every five meals consumed in the U.S. is a snack meal.

About The NPD Group, Inc.
The NPD Group is the leading provider of reliable and comprehensive consumer and retail information for a wide range of industries. Today, more than 1,800 manufacturers, retailers, and service companies rely on NPD to help them drive critical business decisions at the global, national, and local market levels. NPD helps our clients to identify new business opportunities and guide product development, marketing, sales, merchandising, and other functions. Information is available for the following industry sectors: automotive, beauty, commercial technology, consumer technology, entertainment, fashion, food and beverage, foodservice, home, office supplies, software, sports, toys, and wireless.

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