
Kairos, Association of Multisetting Missionary Formators

Kairos is a private, no profit association of the faithful, founded in 2018 by the couple of psychologists and psychotherapists Silvestro Paluzzi and Antonella Tropea, acknowledged by the Bishop of Lamezia Terme (Italy) His Excellence Mgr. Luigi Antonio Cantafora..

Mainly Psychotherapists, Psychologists and Counsellors are the qualified members of this association, formed at the science and art of accompaniment.

Kairos Multisetting Missionary Formators, in line with the mission of the association, are requested to prove their faith in the Christian values through their lives and then in the formation areas in which their cooperation is asked for.

The Multisetting Method is a counselling or a psychotherapeutic procedure, featured by a methodological process structured in three settings (individual, group and outdoor). For further information contact the site www.multisetting.it.


Kairos Multisetting Missionary Association is meant to offer a voluntary integral and qualified formation mainly to ecclesiastic institutions which require it.


Kairos Association organizes a four days encounter – Kairos Encounter – every year to take part in the evangelizing mission of the Church in the areas of the Christian culture, formation and social commitment which lead to “open our hearts to those living in the outermost fringes of society”.

In particular Kairos qualified volunteers, by means of the counselling according to the Multisetting Method, perform integral formation activities:

A) as preventing measures in:

  • the initial formation of seminarians and candidates to the consecrated life;
  • permanent formation of priests and the consecrated;
  • initial and permanent formation of permanent deacons;
  • remote and next preparation of the engaged;
  • formation for members of lay, religious and missionary associations:
  • formation for the consecrated, ministers and lay people as for the interreligious and ecumenical dialogue;
  • formation for the consecrated, ministers and lay people for the acquisition of intercultural skills;


Kairos Association addresses mainly Bishops, Superiors of religious communities and other ecclesiastic institutions (Associations, Movements, Schools, Universities, Parishes, Hospitals, etc.) in Italy and abroad.


Kairos association, by means of the qualified and voluntary service of the Multisetting Missionary Formators, meets the formation needs coming from different areas of Italy and all over the world.

For the Multisetting Missionary Formators it is a question of answering an individual and /or couple call in adherence to the Holy Spirit, in favour of a service that fulfills the formation invitation in the Apostolic Exhortation by Pope Francis:

“ The Church will have to initiate everyone – priests, religious and laity – into this art of accompaniment ” (EG n. 169)  to reach, after a period of formation, those who want to take advantage from this missionary service: “today more than ever we need men and women who, on the basis of their experience of accompanying others, are familiar with these processes “ (cfr. EG n. 171).


The Kairos Encounter is an outdoor experience, annually held by the founders of association which addresses all the people that are willing to share a Christian and psychological integral formation, according to the transformation process of the Method. People taking part in the Kairos Encounter are invited to enjoy short excursions, outdoor activities, art laboratories, experiential workshops, work modules, theoretical classes, video projections, testimonies and brotherhood experiences shared in small and large groups.

B) as repairing measure in:

  • supporting couples in difficulties (by counselling and/or psychotherapy) because of marriage conflicts, diseases, grief, sterility, exclusion, deviant behavior, parental conflicts and other problems;
  • accompanying young and adults people suffering from psychological distress (counselling and / or psychotherapy);
  • using accompanying strategies (counselling and / or psychotherapy) to solve clergy problems;
  • using accompanying strategies (counselling and / or psychotherapy) to solve the problems of people living in the outermost fringes of society;

C) as specific formation thanks to:

  • formation courses that issue an acknowledged certification in social and educational counselling, pastoral counselling and other specific courses for lay and religious people.


* Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (EG), Apostolic Exhortation to the bishops, clergy, consecrated persons and the lay faithful on the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world, LEV, Città del Vaticano 2013.



INFO- Via Monte delle Gioie, 34 – 00199 Rome – ITALY (+39 06 88934056)


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