
Si Fumare….


US Prevalence

46 million Americans (1 of 4 adults) smoke. Nearly all started smoking before age 20. In addition, 6 million teenagers smoke in the US.




Weight Gain

The average weight gain after someone quits smoking is 4-10 lbs (9-22 kgs)

CNN (Jan 10, 2009)

Risk of Disease

Cigarette smoking increases risk for cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. Those who smoke 1 pack per day have a five fold increase risk of sudden death (death with 1 hour in an asymptomatic or an apparently clinical stable individual) as compared to non-smokers. The excessive risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced within 2 years of quitting smoking.

ACSM (2001), ACSM’s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 4th ed.

Life Expectancy Cost

A smoker can expect to lose 5 minutes and 30 seconds of life expectancy for every cigarette they smoke.

Quitting Smoking with Help

Quit without aid

Quit using nicotine patch

Quit using Bupropion




Percent of smokers remaining non-smokers for one year

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