
The Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science


The Telesio – Galilei Academy of Science (https://www.telesio-galilei.com) is a non profit, association, Its fellow members are scientists and intellectuals. The academy its based in Croydon Surrey (UK) The name Telesio – Galilei was selected in honour of two of the greatest scientists of all time, Galileo Galilei of Pisa and Bernardino Telesio Da Cosenza for both men not only changed the way we understand our world, both men have stood firm against obscurantism in science. This is free association toward intellectual and dialectical discussions, hence the sole objective is to advance scientific creativity. The academy has only a moral and ethical dimension, and directs its members efforts toward contributing in the proliferation of science and its historical Development, and nothing more.



L’accademia Telesio Galilei, organizzerà una giornata di studi a Londra in onore del grande filosofo,  Bernardino Telesio, calabrese per ripensare il suo contributo al Rinascimento e la sua attualità nel terzo millennio.

{denvideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAk-gux7HY8 WIDTH}

ndr: nella sezione tesi/documenti nella directory Tesi/Tesine Fisica/Matematica trovate un file afferente la biografia di Telesio

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